Oct 29, 2008

Top 5 Jobs for Attention Lovers

Admit it: You are an attention seeker. You are the first to show up at friends' parties and the last to leave. You're drawn to karaoke bars and open-mike nights like a moth to a flame. Normal jobs are not for you. You don't want to waste away in a solitary office cubicle. You need a trade that lets you express yourself, grab the spotlight, and take charge and feel appreciated for your expert people skills and vibrant personality. You should check out these five great careers for people who love attention.

TV Pundit

From Al Franken to Bill O'Reilly, TV pundits passionately broadcast their points of view to people across the globe. Since it can take time to break into the TV business, many novice television pundits start by volunteering with local TV stations or newspapers while working salaried jobs as lawyers, businesspeople, or public administrators. Pundits come from diverse educational backgrounds. For instance, Bill O'Reilly has a master's degree in public administration (MPA). In contrast, Jon Stewart studied psychology and James Carville holds a law degree. Law degrees may be especially handy for aspiring pundits -- these programs improve your understanding of modern justice while sharpening your ability to argue clearly. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that TV news analysts earn an average yearly wage of $71,470.

Police Officer

Everyone pays attention when police officers cruise by -- especially the bad guys. If you are physically fit, mentally agile, drug-free, and committed to enforcing justice, you should think about becoming a police officer. As an officer of the law, your duties may include obtaining warrants, patrolling unsafe neighborhoods, collecting evidence, and distributing tickets. Although some police jobs do not require college-level education, most police departments prefer to hire people with a strong background in criminal justice or law enforcement. Whether you study online or on campus, your bachelor's or master's degree in public administration, criminal justice, or legal studies may catapult your police officer application to the top of the pile. The BLS states that police and sheriff's patrol officers earn a mean annual salary of $50,670.

Fashion Designer

Do you have creative talents that match your larger-than-life personality and flair for fashion? Look into a fashion design career. You should first enroll in a two- or four-year fashion design program, where you can build a portfolio of your very best designs. During your program you may study computer-aided design (CAD), fashion marketing techniques, textiles, and consumer trends. Also, you can use your school's career office to track down an internship with an established designer. If possible, try to attend a fashion school in an urban area with a thriving fashion scene -- the BLS reports that the highest concentrations of designers work in New York and California. Fashion designers garner an average annual salary of $71,170.


From signing bills to setting budgets, politicians make many big decisions with community-wide effects. Politicians should have strong speaking skills and excellent negotiation talents. Also, they should feel comfortable in the public eye. Sound like you? If so, get your career training by garnering a law degree or a master's of business administration (MBA) degree, where you can deepen your understanding of statistics, economics, law, and tax policy. Lots of politicians hold degrees in law or business administration. For example, Hillary Clinton has a Juris Doctor law degree, as does her husband, Bill. Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, has both a Juris Doctor degree and an MBA. According to the BLS, the highest 10 percent of politicians earn over $75,270 per year.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Not only could a CEO job practically guarantee you a spot in the limelight, it could land you a very generous salary: the BLS reports that top executives receive a mean annual paycheck of $151,370. Of course, you'll need to work your way to the top first. Most top executives hold bachelor's degrees or master's degrees in business administration, liberal arts, or related fields. You may also need specialized career training in your desired field: a department store CEO, for example, should have plenty of career training in retail. Besides your degree, you should have great interpersonal skills, an analytical mind, and an endless supply of energy.

Don't settle for a job that makes you feel unappreciated. With the right degree, you can turn your thirst for attention into a lucrative, emotionally rewarding career.

Joe Aguilar is a freelance writer in Boulder, Colorado. He has an MFA in creative writing from Oregon State University.

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